Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You'd Think With Four-Eyes, My Vision Would Be Clearer...

I suppose it's a little ironic that in the very first post about myself I wrote "I don't really know what I want to do in the future or who I want to be, but whatever happens, happens right?" To be honest, not much of that has changed within the past month or two since I wrote that. I'm still a strong believer of taking life as it comes, and whatever is meant to be will eventually happen. Many say that is the lazy or unambitious way to view life, and I don't completely disagree. What I do disagree with, however, is when others deem it to be the "wrong" attitude towards life. As much as I respect people who take their life into their own hands and make something of themselves (and I really do, sometimes I wish i could be a fraction as ambitious as they are) I do not see a "right" or "wrong" attitude to life, just a suitable one. The vision-less, take life as it comes, attitude is currently what suits me the best. I find myself less stressed about things, and generally more relaxed and happier. I pride myself in my ability to cope and adjust to the many changes in life. There are some things that I can not control, rather than wasting my time and energy mourning over why  I couldn't change it I'd rather spend that time and energy to make the best of the situation. But anyway, I'm getting a little sidetracked here. So for the sake of this assignment, I suppose I can come up with several goals that I'd like to achieve in the years post-graduation. Oh my, just the thought of stepping into the real world scares me, but here goes nothing...

1. First and foremost, continue laughing. Everyone I've met who are older than me tell me one thing, "enjoy college, because it will be the best time of your life." Now that I am beginning to grow up and getting closer to graduating I finally see what they mean. At this age, I have nothing to worry about and just be able to appreciate the life around me. This is the time when I can appreciate life for its beauty and have pure, unfiltered laughs. This is something that I hope I can take with me as I graduate college; be able to laugh myself and make those around me laugh as well. I do not strive to make people "happy," but rather just make them laugh because laughter is the only signal of pure bliss, whilst the feeling perceived to be "happiness" is often plagued by the thought of "this is too good to be true." So I think laughing, albeit momentary, is the only time where people experience real happiness.

2. Be able to provide for myself and my parents. They have worked incredibly hard for 20+ years to make sure that I can have everything that they couldn't even fathom when they were my age, particularly a good education. They want me to become something when I graduate, and when I do, they will be the first people I share my success with. 

3. Perhaps its time for me to get more practical with my goals, even though this may be somewhat generic; get a good job. This goes hand in hand with my vision before because I envision myself in a respectable field, doing a job that I enjoy, and being compensated for it. Nothing too extravagant, but the perfect combination of living comfortably but still have that drive to become even more successful.

4. Continue my studies. I really do enjoy learning, I just loathe the work that comes with it. If am still unable to obtain a job that I like. I would rather go back to school and work on getting that M-something. At least that way I know I'd be more desirable in the work field.

5. Last but certainly not least, be healthy. None of these goals can be achieved if I do not take care of myself. I believe that it is very important that people live a healthy lifestyle. If they are constantly sick or mentally exhausted, they will never be able to see their vision clearly and achieve what they want. That being said, it's passed 5 am, and I will need to wake up in a couple hours for class. So I guess I will start putting my vision into action from here and catch some very healthy Z's. 

Until next ti...ZzzZzZzzz

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