Tuesday, November 16, 2010

And so my plan for world domination begins

...one managerial position at a time. Hah, maybe not, but a girl can dream, right?

According to the Dimensions of Behavior Personal Profile System conducted in class I possess a predominantly dominant personality. I'm hesitant to say the results, or at least the description of the results, are spot on my personality (or at least how I perceive myself to be, but then again my view on myself may be biased. I mean can I, or anyone, have have an objective AND accurate view on others' personalities? Are personal views, which are often subjective and faulty, more or less accurate than a uniform and completely objective test? But the objective test is taken by the subjective person, so does that cancel the objectivity of the test? will we ever be able to determine who we are? can we be one way, but appear to be something completely different? if so, are we who we are, or are we who we are perceived to be? whoa...philosophical mind bomb!) Anyway, where was I? Right, the results. I guess in relation to the other possible results, Dominance is most closely related to who I am, or at least think I am. Coincidentally, I think I've arrived to one of those life milestones where I've begun to meticulously evaluate who I am and who I want to be. I've realized that I'm relatively indifferent about a lot of things, mostly because I haven't acquired enough information for me to make a valid judgment (or am I unmotivated to research on a broader range of topics because I'm so indifferent?) I guess this very aspect of my personality reflects the tendencies to "research facts" and "deliberate before deciding" of the Dominance types. However, I've been told many times that I need to be more cautious about things ranging from crossing the street to approaching sensitive situations. My responses are usually "this is how ALL native new yorkers cross the street. I've gotten dodging crazy taxis and road raged drivers down to a science!" and "I'm sorry, if I could articulate this in a more empathetic manner I would, but those pants just aren't as fancy schmancy as you think." I suppose my refusal to accept others' advice to be more cautious somewhat reinforces the idea of "my way, or the highway" behind the dominant types. (hmm...I'm beginning to see more Dominance qualities in myself).

I do wish I could posses more I-qualities though. The idea of being a good influence and inspiring people to do something is a bit easier to succumb to than the idea of of dominating them and making them do something. I did score the lowest on the I-factor, I suppose it's because I tend to carry a more abrasive attitude (but my intentions are good, I swear!) Perhaps I need to work on my people skills to become more of an influence-er. (But aren't we born as we are? Can we really nurture our personality to become something we want it to be? ackk another philosophical anomaly)

I think this test is only helpful to a certain extent, because it is a pretty general test. Even individuals classified as the "Dominant type," or any other alternative types, can have different styles of managing or leading. This occurred to me when Prof K asked all the Dc types (my type) to raise their hands, and as I looked around the class to see who else shared the same personality as I did, I realized that I was very different from them, especially in our performance in the classroom. Now, there can also be the possibilities that either I chose inaccurate answers, or they did. But we've already determined that I fit the Dominance type more so than the other types, and I highly doubt that all of the other Dc types had received inaccurate results. I think more extensive personality tests, such as the Myers-Briggs personality test, would be more effective in determining people's managing style and understanding how to interact with them.

1 comment:

  1. you had a very philosophical approach to this blog and this survey. It led me to think a little more about my results. I was a Dc as well. And though i questioned it for the first few seconds, I realized the truth when the professor did ask us to raise our hands. I did a little more research online for this survey, and it shows how to approach different personalities and not just what they are. I belive the suggested approaches towards me were ideal as I will respond in various ways depending on how I am approached.
