Monday, December 13, 2010

he puts the MAN in management

The list is in, the list is in!
All these gifts, so little time
My oh my, I'm lost, without a vision
For once, I just want to enjoy the scent of pine

It's time to get my Fiedler on
and assess the situation
Oh, that reminds me
Brand new shoes for his dancing feet

Little man number one,
Ensure all the gifts are loads o' fun

Little man number two,
Prepare my jolly red suit

Little man number three,
Get me my coffee!

Little man number four,
Get those boxes to Mr. Potter

Little man number five,
Go help out my wife

To the rest of you little men,
Lets all get a' wrappin'

Wait a minute, pause
Looks like there will be some snowfall
But that won't stop our very own Santa Clause
The jolliest manager of them all!

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