Monday, December 13, 2010

he puts the MAN in management

The list is in, the list is in!
All these gifts, so little time
My oh my, I'm lost, without a vision
For once, I just want to enjoy the scent of pine

It's time to get my Fiedler on
and assess the situation
Oh, that reminds me
Brand new shoes for his dancing feet

Little man number one,
Ensure all the gifts are loads o' fun

Little man number two,
Prepare my jolly red suit

Little man number three,
Get me my coffee!

Little man number four,
Get those boxes to Mr. Potter

Little man number five,
Go help out my wife

To the rest of you little men,
Lets all get a' wrappin'

Wait a minute, pause
Looks like there will be some snowfall
But that won't stop our very own Santa Clause
The jolliest manager of them all!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

blahbitty blog

Although the intentions for the blog were well, I don't think the purpose was delivered as effectively as intended. To be completely candid, this blog has felt less interesting than obligatory. It was a nice medium for me to contemplate more on the the activity I did during class and the lesson behind it, but I felt that it was somewhat unnecessary. Oftentimes, I would forget that the blog assignment is due and would either receive a failing grade or a late grade. There goes 20% of my grade. I also felt obliged to comment on other student's blogs, and I honestly had nothing significant to write. It felt too insincere. It's a little unnerving knowing that it has such a large influence on my grade. All in all I felt that the blog was too obliging, and maybe it was due to this feeling that it made the task less enjoyable. Perhaps this blog should be set up as an extra credit assignment instead?

1. I didn't meet many students online, and for those whom I did meet, our interaction never extended into communicating in class. Given the large size of the class it is difficult to seek out which student was the one who commented on my blog or vice versa.

2. The activities that we did in class were interesting enough on their own for me to remember, and even recall the smallest details about. I guess I am a very tactile learner, so physically doing the activity was more than enough for me to apply the concepts learned during the lectures to the actual activity. The blog only allowed me a place to jot down my thoughts, but did not encourage anymore more thought on it than I already had.

3. Prof. K's was actually very insightful and I learned more about management (and not just general textbook business management, but life management and other forms of management as well) from the blog's insights in addition to what I had learned in class and from the text book. However, I can not say the same about my blog providing such insights to other students.

4. Retrospectively, it was a very easy way for me to control 20% of my grade. I mean I only had to casually write something and post just post it, right? Although this is no excuse, I would constantly forget to update this blog. Not to say that I hold my other classes to more importance than this one, but I had always prioritized my other assignments over this blog. I guess that in the back of my head i was thinking, "it's just a blog. I'll easily bang something out before it's due." But that was not the case, so in turn this 20% did not work in my favor and honestly, it made me a little bitter because I am essentially losing a portion of my grade to just a blog. Perhaps it is because I'm not much of a blogger, to other students who enjoy blogging more than I do may have been more enthusiastic about the 20%, but for me it felt like a constant worry looming over me during the semester. I do appreciate Prof. K trying to do something a little more interesting and unorthodox to engage his students, but personally this did not hit the spot for me.

5. I do not plan on continuing to post my thoughts or updates in my life on this blog. Because frankly, my life is not incredibly interesting and I usually like to keep thoughts to myself. There are times when I come across blogs that house nothing more than nonsense and insignificant blogging, I can't help but to feel that I've wasted x-minutes of my time reading absolute nonsense.  However, I do enjoy reading some blogs that are well written and post well articulated and insightful thoughts (such as Prof. K's), which can sometimes even invoke some interesting thoughts for me. Unfortunately, I know that I am not as articulate nor insightful as those bloggers, so I would prefer to keep my mediocre life and less-than-impressive philosophies to myself and not put others through what I feel when I come across a boring blog.

Like I mentioned before, I think this would be a great extra credit assignment, although it may be less quirky and more traditional compared to the other assignments. I would have been more inclined to, and even more excited to work on this blog if it wasn't a make-it-or-break-it 20% or my final grade.

Even though this post may make me seem very bitter about this blog, I really do appreciate the intentions and attempt that Prof. K had for this blog. It is something that should engage more students, especially considering the social media and blogging crazy for our generation. AHA  LIGHTBULB! Maybe twitter can be incorporated next time, because let's face it blogging was so five years ago; microblogging is where it's at now! I think that would be fun.